Three Interesting Ways to Spice Up Your Next Marketing Campaign

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Marketing is an essential factor to consider for growing a business. It’s how you are going to gain more consumers for your services and products. It is also the tool you use to reach your potential audience. But businesses change how they market themselves every year. Many are adopting new trends into their campaigns.

You can start integrating these new trends into your next marketing campaign by using these three ways.


Consumers like to feel special and you can make them feel that way through personalized marketing. Personalized marketing relies on using data to tailor advertisements to one kind of consumer. It does this for all kinds of consumers in your business, creating special ads for each one of them. It does this by analyzing data collected from the consumer. It then uses that data to create tailored ads for them. This can include products that they are willing to buy or services they are looking for within their area.

There are many benefits to this kind of marketing. One of which is that your consumers feel appreciated because you tailor an ad specific to them. Another benefit is that your consumers no longer have to waste their time looking into your store page for a service or product they need because the ad does it for them. Lastly, personalized marketing is cheaper when compared to other marketing strategies out there.

Personalized marketing is one of the strongest marketing strategies, especially in the e-commerce space. Amazon does personalized marketing on their website all the time. It helped the company increase its sales by 29%.

Other examples are Cadbury and Starbucks, both of which experienced an increase in sales and consumer engagement through the use of personalized marketing.

man playing with vr headset outdoors

Interactive Content

Interactive content is one of the simplest ways to spice up any marketing campaign out there. It is also one of the most versatile and one of the cheapest. The idea behind interactive marketing content is that consumers of today no longer enjoy static advertisements on their screens. They enjoy the content that they can interact with. Thankfully, there are many ways to do that, especially on the internet. Surveys, polls, and quizzes are only some ways you can create interactive marketing content for your business. The best part of it all is that interactive marketing content tends to be cheaper among other marketing strategies out there. It can also be produced easily with only a couple of clicks.

Interactive content is best used for collecting user data from your consumers. It can also be used to look for potential employees that can help grow your company. Heineken Go Places is a prime example of this. Using an interactive video where potential applicants can answer questions about what they are looking for in a company, Heineken increased its number of applicants by a staggering 300%. Not only that but thousands of people also interacted with the video, including consumers who are interested in the product.

Augmented Reality

Many people claim that augmented reality is the future of marketing and for good reason. Augmented reality or AR helps increase consumer engagement on your products without resorting to using expensive events to promote your company. A study has even shown that AR-apps are also beneficial to many companies as long as they follow what their consumers ask from them.

AR apps can be much cheaper than a full-blown marketing event. The best part of it all is that you can use it for as long as you like. Take the app IKEA Place for example. The app helps consumers visualize how various IKEA products can fit into their household and how it would look like, without going into their stores. After the campaign, IKEA then included it in their product catalog which is still used today. It is an innovative approach to AR that not only engages the consumer but helps them choose their products.

Another way to integrate AR into your marketing campaigns is Virtual Reality. Virtual Reality is more immersive than AR. Many marketing companies provide different services as there are many ways you can integrate VR marketing solutions to your marketing campaign. However, as a growing company, you should choose the simplest solution and is through events.

An example of this is Wendy’s decision to partner with Fortnite in a singular VR event to help promote their brand and consumer engagement. In the event players from Fortnite can interact with Wendy’s avatar in-game and in-stream. The VR event led to Wendy’s social media mentions increasing by a whopping 119-percent. Simple VR integration like this into your marketing events can certainly make a difference in how your business can grow.

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