Building an Indoor Shooting Range: Everything You Must Consider

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If you have decided to start an indoor firing range, that is good news. Today, indoor firing ranges are doing well commercially, meaning you will get customers the whole year. Many youngsters are taking up shooting as a commercial sport for recreation, and the weather in the states can be unpredictable. Thus, the indoor firing range wins thumbs-up at any time. You will get all kinds of takers for the activity.

Many people prefer indoor shooting ranges over outdoor ones, fostering teamwork and camaraderie. Apart from that, the environment is often climate-controlled, so you may get a novice to pros vying for your space at different times. You will also never run out of business, given the need for recreation. Some people gain a high by practicing such activities. You may also get government and federal shooters practicing at your place for drills. While creating such a space, you must consider target booths, ammunition rooms, target carrier types, cleaning, and lavatory. Apart from these, security measures also require top priority.

Read about essential factors below that need some careful consideration.

Spatial Features

The shooter’s needs assume primary importance, apart from the type of shooting, number of firing points, and the number of users who will use the space. You also need to keep in mind health and security factors. A well-planned gun range building layout is imperative in this case. You will have to think of a space to store all kinds of hazardous materials, including but not limited to lead. Additionally, metal fragments from bullets will need to be cleaned. You also need to install acoustic mechanisms that will allow the participants to practice without any hindrance. The same has to be done to protect your employees as well.

When designing the area, apart from the above, you also need to think about ventilation. While firing at close range, there will be a lot of vapors and fumes emanating from the spot. The ventilation system must be highly robust or lead to poisoning. Positive exhausts are the need of the hour to eliminate all the airborne impurities and particles of lead. You need a laminar negative airflow of 75 FPM. However, it should not be less than 50 FPM. You also need to use an air filtration arsenal of HEPA filters.

Energy-efficient lighting also assumes a lot of importance in indoor arenas. In outdoor areas, there is enough light o allow you to see the place. Parabolic lenses are required to reduce glare and improve the concentration of light on horizontal points.

Safety Mechanisms

After you are done with the space requirements and accessories to maintain the environment, you must incorporate safety features. While getting the walls and targets constructed, you must ensure that the plywood and concrete are placed with care. The bullet could impact any of these places or more, so technical engineers need to be deployed to see that the bullets are deflected downwards and not towards the firing line. The wall and ceiling concrete should be at least 4,000 PSI. At the same time, one of the floors should be around 5,000 PSI.

Additionally, you also need a ricochet control system. It involves all kinds of protective construction mechanisms like baffles and bolt heads. You also need to construct shields and non-ballistic walls with steel plates and perfect plywood cladding. However, accidents can occur at any point in time. Therefore, you have to keep eyewash stations and multiple exits in the arena.


While building such an expensive range, you must consider several long-term benefits. You may not want to incur expenses every year. When you properly maintain the place, it can live long with more profits after you have raised the investment capital. Choose a vendor who offers you a range of products and services along with that. You ought to check the warranty and after-sales service as well. These will have implications on your margins in the times to come.

Legal Compliance

While setting up a shooting range, you must take legal compliance very seriously. Firstly, you have to obtain a license. You have to be aware of the gun control laws. You need to procure licenses related to the place and individuals—the number of licenses you require depends on the firearms you will be keeping on the premises. If professionals are going to practice, you need to check theirs. The government will tolerate no lapse on this part.

Additionally, you have to ensure compliance according to federal and state laws. Some states also take charge of approving the name of the space, so you have to check all zonal requirements on the government website. Licensing and safety insurance are paramount if you start a ballistic business.

These are a few criteria you need to consider while opening an indoor shooting range. There may be more, depending upon your state. Therefore, go through all regulations carefully before treading ahead.

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