There are many things to consider when bidding for a project. Who is the client? What type of contract is it? How much does your company want this job and why? But more than anything else, you need to think about how you’re going to get that contract in the first place.
The best way to win a bidding war is with intelligence—outsmarting not just your competitors but also yourself! Here are some ways that smart companies use every day:
1. Know what you’re worth
Before you even begin bidding, know what your company is worth. This means doing your research and coming up with a fair price that will make you both happy. Don’t lowball yourself or offer something outrageous. Instead, find the middle ground that will make everyone happy. Remember: the client wants the best bang for their buck, and you want to make a profit.
2. Find out what the client wants
It’s important to know what the client wants before you start bidding. This means doing your homework and carefully reading the Request for Proposal (RFP). If you can anticipate what the client is looking for, you can tailor your bid and your presentation to meet those needs. Doing this shows that you really care about what the client wants and will help them feel more confident in awarding the contract to you.
3. Don’t just go for money
There are different ways to bid on a project, so don’t just rely on money as your sole form of negotiation. You can also offer additional services, such as training or consulting, that can set you apart from the competition. If you have a strong proposal and your price is fair, the client will be more likely to choose you over someone who only offers a lower bid.
4. Stay organized
The bidding process can be complex and overwhelming, but it’s important to stay organized. This means keeping track of all the different aspects of the project and making sure you have everything covered. It also means having a strong proposal that is easy to follow and understand.
5. Be clear and concise
When bidding on a project, it’s important to be clear and concise. If you’re too wordy, it can be hard to follow, and the client may not fully understand what your bid entails. Don’t just give a general overview of your company or services: tell them exactly what you will do for them and how much it will cost them—in detail.
6. Know when to walk away
If the client is asking for something you can’t do or if the project doesn’t make financial sense, it’s time to walk away. There’s no need to compete with other companies if you can’t win the contract fairly. Plus, if you don’t have a good feeling about the client or the project, it’s probably not a good idea to take it on.
7. Be prepared for a counteroffer
When you make the first bid, be prepared for a counteroffer from the client. This is common, and it’s important to stay calm and professional during this process. Don’t get emotional or defensive; instead, listen to what the client has to say and then make a counteroffer of your own.
8. Have a strong team in place

If you’re bidding on a big project, it’s important to have a strong team in place. This means having the right people with the right skills to get the job done. Make sure you have the manpower, the resources, and the expertise to complete the project on time and on budget.
9. Follow up with the client
Make sure you follow up with the client after submitting your bid. This means sending a thank-you note and staying in touch, even if you don’t end up winning the contract. If the client has any questions or needs more information, be sure to provide it.
Building a relationship with the client is important, and you never know when they might need your services again. For instance, if they’re meeting you in your office to hash out some details, you can offer transportation and hire town cars and limos from companies such as Eminent Limo.
10. Stay positive
No matter what happens, stay positive. Remember, you’re in business to win contracts, not to lose them. If you put your best foot forward and stay professional, you’ll have a much better chance of succeeding. Plus, it never hurts to learn from your mistakes; you can do even better next time.
You’ve taken the time to do your research, you know what they want, and now it’s just up to you. You have a few different ways of bidding on that project, so don’t be afraid to negotiate with them. Offer additional services like consulting or training for an extra fee if their budget can handle it—it’ll show how much more valuable you are than any other company in the market. Now all that’s left is waiting for their response; stay optimistic about this process and remember. No matter what happens, keep walking forward.