Bringing Your Parents Home With You: Some Useful Advice

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When parents grow older, it can be difficult to think about what you can do for them. There are several options available but not everyone is happy with them. Leaving them in a nursing home can be expensive while allowing them to live on their own can be worrying.

For some people, one choice is to bring their senior parents into their home. However, that is not as simple as it sounds. To make it easier for you, here are some useful tips.

Make Sure You Have Enough Space

One of the first things you have to check is whether you have enough space inside your home. If you live in an apartment that is already fully occupied, then you should look for other ways to take care of your parents. Enough space for your parents would be if you have a guest room in your house. But if you can afford it and your property is large enough, you can build a purpose-built in-law unit that should accommodate their needs.

Add Some Senior-friendly Upgrades

When you are bringing your parents to live with you, then you should be making an effort to upgrade your home to be more senior-friendly. There are several possible changes that you can make that make life easier for the elderly. For example, there is adding some assistance bars in the right places. Installing them near the stairs makes climbing less difficult. Additionally, with them in the bathroom, there is less chance of slipping. Consider which upgrades are within your budget and add them. Some of them are very affordable like anti-slip carpeting and improved lighting.

Talk To Their Doctor

If you plan to take care of your parents, then you need to talk to their doctor. Asking your parents about their medical issues can be complicated because they might be embarrassed or unaware. It is better to go to the source to get a full idea of what to expect. Ask their doctor about your parents’ latest medical checkup and anything to watch out for. Additional questions should be for any recommended medication and diet. Listen to the doctor’s advice and follow their instructions to ensure that your parents will stay healthy when they stay with you.

Have The Money Talk

Sheltering your parents under your roof is going to cost money. Another family member in the house, especially one who needs care can add thousands of dollars to the household expenses. This can be a major burden on you so you’ll have to sit down and have a talk with them about expenses. Your parents will likely be open to contributing to the expenses. If they have enough savings, then it shouldn’t be so bad. Being able to contribute will also be good for their self-esteem. Many seniors feel unimportant and powerless. Giving some funds to help pay the bills can make them feel like they are contributing.

Don’t Hesitate To Get Help

While your parents are under your roof, this does not mean that you have to be the one caring for them exclusively. If your parents are helping with the expenses, you might be able to afford a caregiver or helper. You can hire one that can come to the house while you are working to help them out. Having someone help you out when it comes to taking care of your parents can help reduce the stress of the job. It also makes it easier to maintain your own life.

Be Realistic About The Future

Bringing your parents to live with you acknowledges the fact that they are growing older. You and your parents will have to sit down and make preparations for the future. This can mean everything from talking about legal matters to planning funeral arrangements.

Planning for these contingencies makes it easier to handle them. For example, if you already have an idea of what to do in case of a medical emergency involving your parents, then you won’t panic. You’ll be able to deal with the issue easily. Additionally, having plans in place can reduce your worries and stress. Involving your parents in these plans can make things much easier for everyone.

Having your parents around in your house can be a good and bad thing. You have more time to spend with them, and they can help around the house. However, as they grow older, you might need to put in more time in caring for them. You’ll need to balance the good with the bad and the tips above should be a big help with that.

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