It’s Personal: Businesses and Special Occasions

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It starts with the months December and January. These months are extra special for everyone as these months are when Christmas and New Year happen. February follows, and there’s Valentine’s Day. In March, there’s St. Patrick’s Day, and the list goes on.

Every month, there is a special occasion– scratch that– every day, people find a reason to celebrate. Simple things like recovering from the flu or getting picked to join the school’s football team are happy moments in a person’s life. For business owners, these moments are opportunities.

In this article, we discuss how businesses can maximize the opportunity handed by the joys of special moments.

Holiday-season marketing

Everybody knows that when the holidays come, people tend to spend more. According to CNBC, the year 2020 saw an increase in online shopping during the holidays, amounting to 188.2 billion dollars. But businesses shouldn’t just wait for the holidays to come; they need to prepare.

Experts suggest that early planning for holiday marketing campaigns sets businesses up for success. The ideal time you should start marketing is two to three months before the holiday. This gives your business enough time to present your products to the consumer. These months also allow you to hype up new products and get customers to notice your business.

As Christmas and New Year are very special and important occasions to most, people spend a lot of time carefully picking their purchases for the holidays. By marketing early, you are doing your business and your customers a favor. You get to instill in your customers how special your products and services are. You’re giving your business more chances to be remembered.

Planning for your marketing campaign should start much earlier then. Three to six months before the holidays will give you enough space to properly layout a plan. Some suggest that planning can be done a year ahead, but as we know, technology is constantly evolving. Within a year, new platforms may arise that will ultimately change your plans.

When creating a great marketing plan, it is important to stay on brand. Have a great marketing campaign that is fun and captures the holiday spirit, but avoid being too gimmicky. Remember that you are still selling your product. No matter what season it is, it is important to keep your brand image to maintain loyal customers.

Capitalizing on special moments


It is not always about New Year and Christmas, though. There are plenty of other special occasions that business can focus on. Occasions like Mother’s Day or Father’s Day are only some events that are worth looking into when marketing your products.

Marketing is all about how your brand makes your customers feel. Your strategy must evoke positive feelings from your consumers. To do this, take a look at your product and imagine how a person will feel when they receive it. What is the most attractive feature of your product that will make a person smile?

These personal questions are important because this is how a person thinks when purchasing a gift for a special someone. Will they be happy when they receive it? Will it fit their personality? Will my gift be useful for the person I’m giving it to? Gift-givers ask these questions because they want a gift that will be appreciated by the receiver.

This is the reason why sometimes, people opt to go to a personalized gift box shop. These shops customize a person’s gift based on the occasion and the personality of the receiver. A client can also choose which items to put inside the box, according to what they think the receiver’s wants.

Your business does not have to deal with personalized stuff for it to be personal, though. In all kinds of business, you need to make your products or services personal. All businesses involve people, and as such, you have to make people identify with your offerings. This is important whether it’s a holiday or not.

To make your product and services more relatable, reviews and testimonials from actual customers are important. Through comments, reviews, photos, and videos, you can get customer testimonials. These are important for potential buyers. Through testimonials, potential buyers get to have a feel of your products and services. As they read through the reviews, they get to feel what previous customers felt after buying a product or using a service.

It’s all personal

Special occasions are meant to celebrate relationships. It is also a great opportunity for businesses to create relationships with customers.

Imagine a scenario where a person buys a gift from your business, and when he gives it to her special someone, the girl smiles. This simple scenario is a precious moment for these two people’s lives, and your business is a part of it. You have just created a lasting memory that will make your customer remember– your product was a reason why someone he loves smiled.

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