What to Bring to College: Survival Kits for the Freshmen

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College is one the most exciting parts of a person’s life. We start meeting new people, discover ourselves, and build the dreams we want for our future. That said, most individuals make this period a memorable time of their lives.

For first-year students, this journey can take a lot of packing and unpacking. While school supplies and room decors may have landed your endless list of what to bring, exploring must-have items will assist you with your smooth transition towards your journey to a brighter future.

Your personal belongings.

Whether you’re planning on living with a roommate or renting a fully furnished apartment by yourself, it is essential not to rely on the items that come with it. This means bringing your mattress covers, curtains, pillowcases, and blankets. Have at least two of each kind that you can use for warm and cold seasons.

Furthermore, having a few extras can come in handy if you decide to change or do your laundry. Finally, if your space is limited, look for furniture that provides extra storage without compromising your comfort. For example, rooms that have bathroom vanity units can add sophistication and functionality to your storage needs.

On the other hand, investing in storage boxes and multi-purpose study tables can make life easier. These are useful when stashing your towels, robes, toiletries, and other belongings away. Moreover, it serves as a hideaway for papers, books, and clutters, especially when you’re busy preparing for a presentation or an exam.

first aid kit

Your hygiene and first-aid kits.

Nowadays, it is crucial to have valuables and personal items with you and refrain from sharing them with others. This is because direct and indirect contact increases the risk of transmitting various diseases, bacteria, parasites, and infections. This means you need to bring your comb, soap, face towels, toothbrushes, loofah, indoor slippers, and other hygiene essentials.

Consider bringing a portable shower caddy for organized and clutter-free toiletries if you have to share a washroom. Having your items in one go will also make your bathroom trips easier and hassle-free.

Moreover, it pays to bring with you your first-aid kits, particularly if you have special medical needs. This includes nebulizers, ointments, mosquito creams, over-the-counter and prescribed medicines, band-aids, thermometer, disposable masks, and other medical supplies. Injuries happen anytime, and limited to no access to your university clinic can make it more complicated.

Your laundry and cleaning supplies.

Laundry may not be the most exciting part of adult life; however, it is a crucial chore you need to learn. Because college dorm rooms aren’t known for accommodating several items, consider sorting your things and bring what’s necessary. This means leaving behind clothes you have outgrown, accessories that may have a sentimental value, and pairs of shoes that you don’t use every day.

Instead, pack pieces that you can use for that particular semester on that specific season. This will save you time, energy, and money when visiting home and returning to school for the holidays and semestral breaks.

Although it’s essential to look and feel good physically, you need to draw the line in terms of practicality. Remember that clutter can disrupt your visual field, affecting sleep, productivity, focus, and social life. It can also heighten stress, anxiety, and depression that can further affect your physical and mental health.

Moreover, bringing only the clothes you need will make it easier for you to locate, wash, and arrange them in your clothing rack. So, try sticking to a limited wardrobe for now and gradually increase it later on when you get a more spacious place for your own. If you are sensitive to detergents, stock up on your usual brand to avoid the hassle of going in and out of the store. This can save you more time, especially on your busy days.

Furthermore, investing in a trusted and high-quality detergent will benefit you in the long run. This practice will help you appreciate how important it is to take good care of your clothing so that they last much longer.

More than anything, independent living is not a walk in the park, but learning the basic know-how will undoubtedly pay off. For most teens, entering college and the chance to explore the world on their own is one of the ideal platforms for that. Remember to review your housing contract and go over campus safety protocols. Check on your campus or dorm policies and list what items you can and cannot bring. And remember to enjoy the journey and learn from each experience.

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