Health and Wellness: Five Trends We Can Embrace After the Year of Covid-19

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The year 2020 taught us just how valuable health and wellness is. As the pandemic drags on, we continue to fear for our health and safety. Many are struggling to find the best ways to ensure their family’s health. Some have tried embracing an organic lifestyle while others started leading a more active life. We are now keen on educating ourselves on the best ways to improve our immunity, strength, and stamina as well as our resilience.

Since our priorities have changed, we can expect such a trend to continue by next year. We will be more focused on improving our health and well-being. It is due to this fact that some health experts are expecting the following trends to dominate 2021.

woman relaxing in the sauna

Functional Nutrition

Food will no longer be treated as something we need to eat to fill our cravings and ease our hunger. People are more conscious of what they put inside their bodies. They want to invest their hard-earned cash in food items that will boost their immunity, can support their mental health, and supports localism.

More consumers are expected to buy local and organic food items. Many now know that these are a much better choice compared to processed and preserved food. They choose organic food items to avoid pesticides as well as genetically modified food.

The pandemic will continue to remind us how crucial it is to boost our immunity. According to the latest survey conducted by Market Research, more than 50% of consumers are now taking supplements to improve their immune system. Instead of treating conditions, more people will focus on preventive measures to keep themselves and their families healthy.

Oral probiotics are expected to increase in sales thanks to their ability to improve one’s oral health. But before you drink any supplement, it would be best to consult with your general physician and your dentist from Creek Dental Group. Of course, you will still need to take good care of your oral health even if you are taking oral probiotics.

Businesses found a way to entice more consumers by selling products with nutrients that can aid in supporting consumer’s mental health. Such products contain antioxidants, stress-reducing compounds, vitamins, minerals, healthy fats, and fibers. Experts warn consumers that these products should never be used to replace a proper diet and a healthy lifestyle.

Air Cleansing Products

Experts predict that by next year, air cleansing products will be in demand. People are not just worried about outdoor air pollution. Many have this growing concern about the quality of the air they breathe at home.

Many healthcare facilities started modifying their space by investing in HVAC systems with High-Efficiency Particulate Air or HEPA filters. More homeowners are doing the same by buying items with HEPA filters like their air conditioning system, vacuum cleaners, air cleaning systems, and the like.

Air cleaning products aim to improve indoor quality. The amount of smoke, dirt, dust, pet dander, bacteria, allergens, and other contaminants circulating in the air inside our homes, can be enough to make us sick. Investing in the right product can make a difference in our family’s health.

Workout Classes at Home

Gyms have started to reopen but with each one observing strict protocols to improve the health and safety of their members. Whether we care to admit it or not, gym workouts will never be the same. Instead of going to the gym, many people started creating their home gym to make sure they have a place where they can continue their regular workout without needing a gym membership.

There are still some who enrolled themselves in professional-led workouts. This enables them to enjoy workout classes without leaving the house. Others are opting for free workout tutorials found on the internet.

We can expect such a trend to continue even after the post-pandemic world. People will continue trying to stay active and fit. Instead of the gym, they will be spending more time working out remotely.

Sleep Management Tools

Consumers are becoming more mindful of how much quality sleep they get each night. They now know that sleep is crucial for both their physical, mental, and emotional health. This is why more products are being sold in the market to improve our quality of sleep.

Different sleeping aids are available in the market to help people fall asleep faster and enjoy better sleep quality. This includes memory foam mattresses, weighted blankets, blackout curtains, and smart lighting. Of course, good sleep and proper nutrition are still recommended to get enough sleep each night.

Health and wellness will continue to be the status quo. We can expect more health and wellness products to emerge in the market to better cater to the growing demand for better health. Knowing what possible trends are likely to dominate the year after the pandemic will make it easier for us to determine which ones we can adapt to and can benefit from to boost our health.

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