How Businesses Can Benefit from Barricades During and After COVID-19

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Perhaps, you have seen temporary barriers lined up alongside a building under construction. You were right about them. Those portable fences were there to keep pedestrians or passersby from accessing the construction site; therefore, minimizing the risks of accidents.

If you are a project owner or a contractor, then you know the importance of using temporary barricades. But do you know that you can use those barriers for different purposes other than construction hoarding?

You also have probably seen those barricades in commercial establishments and event venues. Businesses use them for a variety of purposes, which will be discussed in this guide. Now that there is a pandemic, those barriers could help businesses remain operational while minimizing the risks of transmission.

Public Safety

Emergency response teams and law enforcement agencies use temporary fencing to ensure the safety of the public. You can see those removable fences on crime scenes or anywhere that requires a barrier so that authorities can do their job without any disruption from the crowd. Bystanders and passersby can make the situation worse, and they have nothing to do with an accident, for example. They make the scene too crowded, which makes it more difficult for rescuers to do their job.

Temporary fencing is likewise ideal for guiding the public and the rescue team during or after a disaster. People will know where to go and which area to avoid. In construction sites, temporary barriers help keep workers from falling into a hole or accessing a restricted area. This prevents accidents that can cause serious injuries or even death.

Crowd Control

Installing temporary barricades is an effective way to control the crowd. It prevents unauthorized personnel and criminals from accessing the venue, making the event safer for the audience. Temporary barriers are ideal for:

  • Concerts
  • Political rallies
  • Outdoor festivals
  • Demonstrations
  • Parades
  • Sporting events
  • Ticketing booths
  • Entrance and exit
  • Mall shows

Temporary fencing also helps the guards in any event venue or commercial property control the entry of guests. The fence can keep the guests from entering the business premises without going through a rigorous safety protocol, such as frisking or being scanned by a modern camera that can detect fever.

This is important, especially now that there is a pandemic. Anyone who has a fever or any other symptoms of COVID-19 (or any other disease) should be isolated, denied entrance to a business establishment, and sent to a hospital or quarantine facility for health and safety reasons. It can only take a single infected person to spread the virus and cause numerous deaths. Like what they always say, prevention is the better option.

Pool Safety

Home and business owners rent temporary fencing while their permanent pool fencing is under construction or maintenance. This helps prevent accidental drowning, which is one of the most common causes of death among children, the elderly, and pets. If your business establishment has a swimming pool, it’s best to cover it for now and install a fence around it to prevent unauthorized access. After all, some states and territories still have restrictions when it comes to the use of public pools.

Agriculture and Amusement

Farmers use temporary fencing to keep animals, such as dairy and goat, in a specific area. It allows workers to control the herd and keep the animals from going astray. Barriers are likewise ideal for keeping a safe distance between guests and animals in the zoo.

You’ve probably seen those fences that separate the animals’ homes from the walkways or viewing areas. If you’ve ever watched a show that stars the animals from the zoo, you would have noticed the barriers, too. Most ticket booths also have temporary fences to keep people lined up properly.



Do you know that your portable barriers can serve as promotional materials? Place a banner with your company name and logo right in front of every fence for added exposure. People will easily notice the banners and will remember your business whenever they see a temporary barrier. This strategy can be used in trade shows and other events. Some temporary barriers are modular and easy to assemble.

Temporary fencing can serve more purpose than you can imagine. But one of the main reasons to use them is to improve safety in a business establishment, event venue, construction site, and other places. Ask a fencing professional for additional information and assistance in installing your barriers. Make sure you are getting your temporary fence only from a reputable supplier to ensure the quality and reliability of the product.

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