How Your Restaurant Can Still Earn Money During a Lockdown

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At the time of an unprecedented financial crisis, nearly every industry has taken a hit. Companies have been forced to cut losses by enforcing layoffs and reducing services. Among the sectors that have been severely affected is the food industry. With statewide stay-at-home orders, bars and restaurants have been ordered to close. But fortunately, some are still staying afloat.

Here’s what you can do to keep the business going:

1. Establish an Online Presence

Make sure that you have a proper website where people can shop and get the restaurant’s location. Consult an IT Infrastructure specialist to streamline your network and minimize potential problems. Social media is also crucial. If you don’t have an account on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram, there’s no time better than the present to make one.

Since more people are staying at home, they are also more likely to spend time on social networking sites. It’s also where potential customers are likely to search for you. It could also be where you can find support. The owners of Table to Table, a restaurant in New York City’s Chinatown, have even credited social media for their survival.

2. Become a Delivery Service Partner


Despite the closure of bars and cafes, delivery services have seen a surge in demand. According to a driver for Uber Eats, the business has picked up recently. While people might be reluctant to go out, they still have the same cravings. You have the option to partner with one of the many delivery services that are still open for business.

Door Dash boasts that they reach 80% of American consumers while Grubhub says their partner restaurants have seen an increase in orders. You can also link up with Postmates, where you can boost your sales by 200% or grow your brand presence with Uber Eats.

If you’re worried about safety, it shouldn’t be a problem as long as you’re following the FDA’s advice. The services themselves are taking safety precautions. They are offering contactless delivery to cut the risk of infections. Door Dash is also providing its drivers with hand sanitizers, while Uber Eats is giving its workers disinfectant. According to Columbia University’s Stephen Morse, there’s little risk of infection from cooked dishes even if the person who prepared it is sick.

3. Sell Your Inventory

Restaurants across the country have sold merchandise and gift cards to maintain sales. Another measure you can do to remain profitable is to put your raw food up for sale. Think about it: people are emptying grocery stores while your fresh produce is sitting pretty in your kitchen.

Avoid wasting your valuable ingredients and sell your ingredients on your website. You can have your vegetables, fruits, and meats for curbside pick-up. You can also sell sauces and marinated sets so people can cook their favorite dishes at home.

As the outbreak causes uncommon effects on the economy, businesses need out-of-the-box thinking. Many companies might have suffered unfortunate consequences. But some businesses have shown that it’s still possible to pull through.

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