Men’s Guide To Dressing Well For Zoom Meetings

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With most of us spending our time working from home, we can understand the feeling of wanting to stay in something comfortable or not even bother changing from our sleepwear. Let’s be real; the sheer bliss of getting coffee right after waking up and jumping back into bed is one of the most relaxing things ever.

However, dressing well and looking your best is imperative for any man who values style and leaving a good impression. And with most of our work or business interaction happening through Zoom meetings and video calls, this doesn’t mean our attire gets to slack off. In fact, it’s become even more important to dress appropriately to not give your employers, colleagues, or business partners the idea that you’re lazing around all day!

So, today’s guide will revolve around will teach you how to dress well before turning your camera on.

Business Casual Is The New Normal

With a mix of casual and a tad bit behind business formal, the business casual attire has become the new norm and for a good reason. It gives you plenty of flexibility with your outfit, not too uptight, while still achieving a smart and appropriate look for formal meetings, discussions, and presentations. So, at least in the meantime, your neckties are going to take a back seat.

#1 Skip The T-Shirts And Tank Tops

While T-shirts and tank tops are comfortable, they give off the vibe you’re not doing anything productive. And if you were in the office, you wouldn’t dare to wear these clothes at all, which should also translate to your Zoom meetings. The only thing they’re better than is going topless, albeit stepping over inappropriate territory. So, regardless of your type of work, please skip the t-shirts and tank tops.

#2 Avoid Go Flashy or Loud

When we say business casual, many people mistake it for business formal attire, which also has the same negative impact as wearing a simple t-shirt. Of course, we won’t deny that a lot of professionals are accustomed to suits and ties, but that outfit is just too much for a Zoom meeting. So, avoid going with flashy or loud and take things down a notch to something like a button-down polo shirt, a formal-looking sweater for colder weather, and sticking to neutral colors.

#3 Don’t Forget To Wear Pants

We know how tempting it can be only to fix the upper part of your outfit since that’s what the camera is going to show, but this trains you to do things only 50% of the way, and nobody enjoys a half-baked plan. So, please do yourself a favor and don’t forget to wear pants. You don’t want to end up on an outfit fails compilation video.

Businessman using a laptop

Get A Webcam

Despite the effort you put into dressing well and putting on light cosmetic products to look your best, a man’s style is often inhibited by a bad built-in camera. Even if your laptop claims to have quality capture for video calls and conferencing, these hardly ever match up even with the simplest smartphones. So, if you have some extra budget lying around, we strongly suggest that you get a proper webcam of at least 1080p resolution. If that’s not possible, you could also try using your phone and download a third-party app to make it function as your camera so that your outfit doesn’t go to waste.

  • Fix Your Angle: Angles are everything, and you don’t want the camera facing directly below you only to show your colleagues a full-view of your nostrils and nose hair. Likewise, you also don’t’ want the camera lookingdown on you and making your forehead appear a lot bigger than it needs to be. Keep it level with your eyes to make things look natural.
  • Keep The Background Calm: Formal meetings avoid distractions, and when it comes to online discussions, everyone’s background is often the culprit of unintended mishaps. So, if you don’t want to steal away the focus with your dog suddenly jumping into view or your kids playing in the background, stay in a room where you’ll be undisturbed.

Natural And Diffused Lighting

We understand that not everyone can afford the same lighting and video capture equipment as a full-on studio, but taking a Zoom meeting with natural and diffused lighting will surely elevate your style and how everyone else sees you. Avoid any direct light coming from your side or directly behind you, opt for something from above, or stay near a window for sunlight.

Verdict: Look Your Best

Whether it’s going outside during this fall or staying inside for work, there is never an excuse not to look your best. So, take our advice and see what changes you can make to improve how good you’ll look in your next Zoom meeting.

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