Surviving at Home: 4 Ways to Manage Your Family’s Living Space

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Surviving the pandemic isn’t all about following health protocols whenever you’re in public. It’s also about learning to fine-tune your life at home to make way for the new normal, punctuated mostly by remote work and distance learning.

These two activities alone require that each member of your family have an environment conducive to their tasks. But how do you do that when there doesn’t seem to be enough space in your house in the first place?

The trick is to increase your living space. It sounds like an impossible feat right now, but these pointers should enlighten you on the ways you’ve been wasting your living space and how you can remedy that.

It All Begins with Clutter

Your unwillingness to let go of certain items in hopes that you can use them in the future often results in a mountain of clutter. These items eat up space that could be used in more productive ways. Your instinct to roam Salt Lake County for vertical storage can only confound the problem.

Increasing your living space should always begin with decluttering. You should only consider adding shelves (preferably suspended ones) when not all the unused items lying around your house are unimportant. Do the majority of your possessions hold genuine sentimental value? Consider renting storage units.

Every Space Can Be Multifunctional

Most of the space in your house can be multifunctional. This is especially true for your living room, kitchen, and bedroom. If your home is filled with traditional furniture, it’s time to replace them with ones built to serve multiple purposes.

IKEA is a popular hub for the kind of furniture you’re looking for. However, the challenge with stores that give you too many options is that it can get overwhelming to decide. Make things simpler by planning. Perhaps your mahogany dining table and your armchairs occupy space that could otherwise be used as a home office or study area.

living space

Depending on your house’s layout, you can buy new furniture where the chairs fit beneath the table. You can also opt for easy to restructure into two tables or extend to fit more people. The options are endless. All you need are extensive research and a little creativity to make them work.

Suspend Everything Else

Floor space is integral, and one of the simplest ways to increase it is to suspend what you can suspend. Some of the items on top of your list should be your television, bookshelf, fans, shoe racks, closets, and even beds. Elevating all of these creates more opportunities for storage and achieves the appearance of a wider space. Your health will also benefit from having less dust gathering in difficult-to-reach places.

Make Use of Corners

Somewhere in your house, there’s a corner waiting to be utilized. These are spaces often neglected and warrant your attention now that you’re intent on maximizing your home. With corners, you can either purchase specifically designed furniture or create one yourself. Any DIY endeavor shouldn’t be complicated, though. Sometimes, if you want somewhere to hang your coats because you removed the hallway closet, you can install a rod beside the door.

Space is integral to comfort. With every family adjusting to life in the coronavirus era, it’s essential to look after your mental health by ensuring that you’re equipped with everything you need to be happy and successful.

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