The Advantages and Disadvantages of Microsoft SQL Server

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Microsoft SQL Server is one of the best data management software available today. If you’re not familiar with it, you might be hesitant to use it for your website. But you could be missing out on its excellent benefits for your company.

If you’re just now learning about Microsoft SQL Server, here are the advantages and disadvantages you should know:

Pros of Microsoft SQL Server:

1. Increases data security

One of the primary purposes of Microsoft SQL Server is ensuring the security of your database, especially with a Microsoft SQL Server database administration service. This software allows you to work with a table structure that connects functions and data elements, which helps secure the data that you have. For databases that have client information and other sensitive data, database security and integrity are a must.

2. Ease of configuration

Unlike other database management software, the installation and configuration of Microsoft SQL Server are easier. You don’t need to have a specific toolkit to install the software, and updates are fully automatic. You can also install other components to modify the software for your business without any complex processes as well. So if you’re looking for a database management software that provides convenience, Microsoft SQL Server is the way to go.

3. Optimized data storage

With Microsoft SQL Server, you don’t have to have another data storage from the same database if you’re using a different device. This allows you to manage data easily and efficiently with minimal troubleshooting and maintenance. Consequently, you can save time and work on other important aspects of your business.

4. Data recovery support

In the case of power interruption or server shutdowns, data may become corrupted, which poses a big problem for businesses that have little to no backups stored. Microsoft SQL Server eliminates the risk of losing data by having features for data recovery and restoration. As a result, you will have more peace of mind knowing that your data is secured through caching, log files, and frequent backups, no matter what may happen to your server.

The cons of Microsoft SQL Server:

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1. Cost

There is a free version of Microsoft SQL Server that you can use. But for more advanced databased applications and features, you will have to make a sizeable investment for higher versions of the software.

2. Restricted compatibility

Making additional investments in Microsoft software may be needed if your business uses little to no Microsoft infrastructure. These extra commitments might also cost your company more, but they will allow you to use Microsoft SQL Server on your platform.

3. Hardware restrictions

Newer versions of Microsoft SQL Server need advanced technologies to run. So, if your hardware is comprised mainly of older hardware, you might need to invest in newer machines in order to use Microsoft SQL Server. Moreover, if your business needs a larger database, you also need to increase your hard drive space.

Microsoft SQL Server is an excellent database management software for small to large businesses. If you’re thinking of buying the software for your company, consider these pros and cons before deciding if it’s compatible with your goals.

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