Three Ways to Make Your Bridal Rings Last a Lifetime

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Bridal rings come in different styles, shapes, and sizes. These days, you’ll find a wide range of wedding bands and engagement rings from various brands that offer unique designs, precious metals, and gemstones. Gone are the days of classic white gold bands with a single diamond stone. Braided and halo diamond engagement rings are becoming a popular choice for men planning to propose.

Nothing will ever trump that feeling when your special someone finally glides the engagement ring onto your finger after the proposal. The first few months may seem like a dream after spending so much time staring at your diamond ring and appreciating its sophisticated beauty and shine. A few months later, a wedding band will also sit beside your engagement ring, symbolizing your most treasured memories.

No matter how badly we want our jewelry to retain its sparkle without the upkeep, we have to invest time and effort to make it look the same regardless of how long you’ve worn it. After all, a long-lasting sparkle comes with great responsibility, right? With that in mind, here are ways to take care of your bridal rings and make them look super shiny and sparkly forever.

Know the right time to wear your ring

We understand how most women find it hard to part with their engagement and wedding rings. You want to wear them for as long as possible to show the world how lucky you are with your S.O. Although diamond rings are the most durable type of jewelry, it doesn’t mean they are safe from acquiring scratches and bumps!

If you really want your ring to last a long time, you have to know when your ring finger should be bare. For example, don’t wear your ring during strenuous activities, such as yard work, sports, workouts, and other hands-on activities. You should also remove your ring when handling harsh chemicals since they can affect the quality and color of your jewelry. Also, never wear your engagement ring when swimming since cold water can make your finger shrink, causing the ring to slip off.

A great tip is to let your ring rest while at home. If you plan to wear it at a special event, avoid taking off the ring when using the public bathroom. There’s a high chance you’ll leave it behind if you’re too occupied.

man working with a wedding ring

Clean your ring regularly

There’s no way to ensure your ring will look perfect at all times. There are plenty of factors that cause your ring to change its quality and shine over time. These include oil and dirt buildup that can block light interactions in the gemstone. In other words, it’s useless to have a perfectly cut diamond if you will let it accumulate dirt. You’re not giving your ring some justice since it cannot live up to its potential.

Cleaning jewelry shouldn’t be a labor-intensive process. But you have to know which cleaning options will work. One example is dropping the ring in a cup of warm water combined with a few drops of mild soap. Allow the item to soak for a few minutes or overnight, then scrub the basket and stone gently using a soft-bristled brush. Afterward, rinse the ring and pat it dry. Do it at least a few times every few weeks, but make sure to handle it carefully to avoid slipping down the drain.

For best results, bring your ring to a professional jewelry cleaning service. A jewelry cleaner uses high-end tools to make your jewelry look shiny and brand new. You can also look for jewelers that offer lifetime cleaning services if you bought the ring at their store. Professional jewelry cleaning shouldn’t cost much since most prices start at $25.

Hands off the center stone

The moment you wear your engagement ring, it will surely get plenty of attention. Although sneaking a peak is perfectly fine, you should never allow anyone to touch it, including you. Precious stones, such as diamonds, are natural magnets for dirt, dust, grease, and body oil, making them incredibly tough to clean.

When putting on or taking off your ring, make sure to grab only the metal band on either side of the ring instead of touching the diamond itself. If the stone looks cloudy or hazy, something has likely gotten stuck underneath.

Your bridal rings may probably be the most expensive jewelry pieces you’ll ever own. That’s why it makes sense to take good care of them so you can enjoy them longer and even pass them down to your next heir! In the end, all it takes is a little care and attention to allow your bridal rings to retain their sparkle.

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