Utilize Waste: Where Commercial Kitchens Can Do It

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A commercial kitchen in a restaurant produces a lot of waste. In fact, according to the Environmental Protection Agency, the average restaurant creates 3.5 pounds of waste per day. Food waste is a worldwide problem, but the solution starts with one step.

There are several ways to reduce the waste a commercial kitchen produces. One way is to recycle or compost as much as possible. The EPA recommends that restaurants recycle at least 75% of their waste. Another way to reduce waste is to buy sustainable products that can be reused or recycled.

Restaurants need to reduce waste because it helps the environment and saves the restaurant money. Reducing waste can help restaurants save on garbage disposal costs, and it can also help them earn points for sustainability certification programs. However, the first step is identifying which waste items are recyclable or compostable. Here are a few to consider.

Food Scraps

Food scraps are one of the restaurants’ most common types of waste. Studies show that the average restaurant throws away between 1 and 2 pounds of food daily.

There are a few ways to reduce the amount of food waste your restaurant produces. One way is to donate unserved food to a local food bank or soup kitchen. Another way is to compost your food waste.

Composting is a process where organic matter, like food scraps, is broken down by bacteria and fungi. The result is a nutrient-rich soil amendment that can improve plant growth.

To compost your food waste, you’ll need a commercial composter. Once you have a composter, you can start collecting your food scraps in it. Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions on how to use and maintain it.

These scraps can also get composted or recycled into products like animal feed or soil amendments. Composting food scraps is a great way to reduce the amount of trash in a restaurant, and it also helps improve soil quality. Many composting solutions are available for businesses, so it’s easy for restaurants to find one that fits their needs.

Cooking Oil and Grease

Cooking oil and grease are other standard types of waste in restaurants. They can come from frying foods or from preparing sauces and dressings. When cooking oil and grease are disposed of in the garbage, they can clog pipes and cause sewer overflows.

To avoid these problems, restaurants should recycle their cooking oil and grease. Many cities have programs that collect used cooking oil for recycling.

Some companies will even pay restaurants for their used cooking oil. This strategy is an excellent way for restaurants to reduce waste and earn extra money. However, only a few companies provide used cooking oil recycling services. One such organization is GF Commodities, which collects and recycles used cooking oil from restaurants across the United States.

Another option is to convert your used cooking oil into biodieselBiodiesel is a renewable fuel that can power diesel engines. You can combine cooking oil with alcohol, like methanol or ethanol.

The process of making biodiesel is called transesterification, and you can do it with simple kitchen equipment.

Not only does recycling cooking oil help the environment, but it also provides a valuable resource for restaurants. Used cooking oil can get recycled into new products, like soap, detergent, and cosmetics.

Packaging Materials

Packaging materials, like boxes and plastic wrap, are another common type of waste in restaurants. They often come from the food delivery process.

When disposing of packaging materials, be sure to recycle them if possible. Many cities have programs that collect cardboard and plastic for recycling. The recyclable packaging materials will vary, with each having its own way of getting recycled.

If your city doesn’t have a recycling program, or if you can’t find a recycling center that accepts packaging materials, you can try to reuse them. For example, you could use cardboard boxes as padding when storing kitchen equipment.

Reusing packaging materials is a great way to reduce waste in your restaurant. It’s also an excellent way to save money. It might take a little extra effort to find a way to reuse packaging materials, but it’s worth it in the long run.


Old Kitchen Appliances

Old kitchen appliances, like stoves and refrigerators, are another type of waste in restaurants. They often get replaced with new models as part of a restaurant’s renovations.

When disposing of old appliances, be sure to recycle them if possible. Many cities have programs that collect old machines for recycling.

If your city doesn’t have a recycling program, or if you can’t find a recycling center that accepts appliances, you can try to sell them. There are many websites, like Craigslist and eBay, where you can list old instruments for sale.

Selling old appliances is a great way to reduce waste in your restaurant. It’s also an excellent way to make some extra money.

Final Thoughts

There are many ways for restaurants to reduce their waste. By identifying which types of waste they produce, they can choose the best recycling or composting solution for their needs. Implementing even one of these solutions can make a big difference to the environment.

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