The Working Fashionista: 4 Ways to Turn Your Passion Into a Career

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You don’t have to look very far to see just how extensive the fashion and beauty industry is nowadays. From advertisements to social media posts to the next girls’ day out, you can see just how big a role the beauty industry plays in people’s everyday lives. In fact, people have made beauty their life’s career, forgoing the standard nine-to-five to pursue a career where self-expression is vital.

Has fashion and beauty always been a critical point in your life? Do you enjoy following beauty trends and trying them out for yourself? Do you find your friends often coming to you for beauty tips or advice? Perhaps you’ve looked at an outfit, or the way makeup was applied and said to yourself that you could do it just as well or even better. These are signs that you have considerable skills that could work for you. 

Ask any financial advisor, and they will agree that having a second source of income is never a bad idea. Having extra income could help you pay off debt and build your emergency fund, thereby empowering you to chase after your dreams instead of focusing on making ends meet. Furthermore, an extra job could, down the line, turn into a full-time career if it’s something you actually love doing. 

If you have a heart for the beauty industry and have been thinking of getting another source of income, consider the following beauty businesses that are booming right now.

Freelance Hair and Makeup Artist

You’d be surprised at just how much people are willing to pay for someone who can make them look good, especially for special occasions such as proms and weddings. If you can work magic with foundation and eyeliner and have techniques like contouring down pat, consider offering your much-needed services to people who would pay a good penny for you to help enhance their natural features. And if you’re familiar with styling hair of all types—curly, wavy, straight—in braided updos or elegant buns, then start advertising your services. One of the perks of being a freelance hair-and-makeup artist is that you get to fit your jobs into your work schedule.

Cosmetic Reseller

If you’re not confident enough in your makeup skills yet to advertise them, consider selling other things—like beauty products. There are a million different beauty products on the market right now, ranging from skincare to makeup to serums to beauty masks. And you can help get the right product into people’s hands. With each person having different beauty needs, you can be there to sell them retinol moisturizers to combat signs of aging or serums containing vitamin C for a brighter complexion. You can even sell them clay face masks to help control oily skin. There are many online platforms nowadays for you to resell products at a more competitive price. You may want to consider reselling harder-to-get products as there is more demand for these (ensuring you have excited customers waiting to order from you).

Beauty Blogger

Suppose your passion is trying out new trends in the fashion industry or trying out new skincare regimens recommended by the experts in the industry. In that case, you may want to try your hand at being a beauty blogger or vlogger. In this arena, you can voice your opinions and advice about specific products or trends. Advertisements you display on your website or in your videos plus affiliate links will help bring in revenue for you. Don’t be discouraged if it seems like you’re not earning at first. With content creation on the web, it may take a while to gain the interest of an audience. Money may not come pouring in as fast as you like. But once you have people coming back to you to listen to what you advise or your comments and opinions about something, you’ll find income and interactions you never expected.

Personal Stylist

As someone who puts time and effort into dressing up every day, your eye for good outfit coordinates may be a service others would be willing to pay for. Being someone’s personal stylist means you consider a person’s body build, likes and dislikes, and the image they convey to the world. Taking courses in fashion will help develop your skill set in this area and may give you plus points for potential clients. One way for you to advertise your skills as a stylist would be to post pictures of the outfits you’ve put together on social media so you can get the word out that you’re open for business.

Helping people be the best version of themselves is a fulfilling job. And if doing what you love helps you pay your bills or save some more money, then that’s killing two birds with one stone. If you’ve been considering taking on an extra job for a while and want to do something you find fun, try something where your passion meets practicality and venture into the industry of fashion and beauty.

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